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Submitted By: Phil - FA001
On: 03/23/2014

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Company Statistics

Pilots: 49
Hours: 13,968
Flights: 5,722
Flights Today: 0
Pilots In Flight: 0
PAX Carried: 872,843
Freight Carried (lbs): 165,271
Miles Flown (nm): 4,470,242
Fuel Burned (lbs): 89,527,871
Aircraft: 37
Schedules: 1660
News Items: 35
Recruitment Status: Open
It's been 23 years and 102 days since the launch of Liberty Air Group. We have been in continuous operation since September 25, 2001

Who's On Call

Rodney or Gene

 Via PM or email 24/7

 On Discord with prior notice

 PM/email to schedule time

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